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The defects of domestic packaging machinery

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The defects of domestic packaging machinery

Data:2017-03-30 Source: Click:

China's packaging industry defects, such as: the existence of long-term overcapacity, excessive dependence on energy consumption, independent innovation ability, business competitiveness is not strong, industrial scale and economic benefits are not commensurate with structural and qualitative defects will be highlighted. The business should go ahead and take precautions. Stacker


Packaging equipment industry market analysis and analysis report shows that the packaging equipment market demand to a large extent to stimulate the industry's technological upgrading to a large extent. The new intelligent, automated packaging model will gradually replace the traditional mainstream of the future. This is an effective way for packaging machinery enterprises to achieve sustainable development, but also the ultimate goal of its technological reform.


At present, the domestic packaging equipment industry still exists such as stand-alone automation, stability and reliability is poor, the appearance of modeling is not beautiful, short life and other issues, so that domestic equipment is imported packaging equipment in the competition down.


Packaging equipment to have a high flexibility and flexibility, the production line allows a certain size range of packaging size can be changed. Because the product life cycle is much shorter than the equipment life, change the product and packaging will not replace the expensive packaging production line. The market is the customer's request as the source of market development, packaging machinery market is no exception. Now the international packaging and food machinery development is the requirements of large customers as the goal, driven by the relevant machinery (high-speed out of the machine) development.

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